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Some thoughts on Webdesign Applications (Photoshop vs. Fireworks)

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Hi guys,

thanks for checking by. My first blog post actually.

Recently I made some thoughts about a webdesign workflow that would fit my needs the best.
Originally, I came from designing graphics for print-production.
So, my main-tools are photoshop and indesign (note: I use Illustrator mainly for creating logos, type and abstract/geometric artwork).
When I was forced to do more web-graphics, as my work developed, I wondered which was the best tool to do these tasks.
Of course, as a long-time photoshop user, Photoshop was my go-to weapon of choice.
When you witness the discussion about web-design, you see that there are two bases, those who use photoshop and those you use a more web-specific application such as fireworks.

Well, after reading about the pro’s and con’s, I must say, that Photoshop may not be the rigt tool for me for the future.
Which is kind of sad, because I love the Photoshop workflow.

My main aim is, at the moment, to start into designing websites. To take it a step further, I also want to get one running demo-site after the design process, to showcase my work to the client, and so on.
Fireworks (even in combination with Dreamweaver) seems to be the right choice here.
But I don’t think I might dump Photoshop completely when working for web (gifs, banners, etc.)

Note: I just started out in web-programming and I am still looking for the most-comfortable way to do it, at least for me.


1. If you are interested in the pro’s of Fireworks in webdesign, be sure to read that article:

© Reinegger.net

2. If you are starting out on Fireworks now, be sure to check this awesome tutorial on working with Fireworks from the great Abduzeedo:

Abduzeedo: Webdesign with Fireworks

3. Another great walk-through to get to know working with Fireworks is this:

You have some other thoughts on this topic? Then please let me know with a comment or personal email.

Happy Designing and all the best,



Adobe stated, that Fireworks will no longer be developed in their „Creative Suites“.